Our Services


If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Benjamin Franklin.

We offer: 

1.    Strategy definition
2.    Risk assessments
3.    Goal and target setting
4.    Water management plan preparation

Developing a robust mine water management strategy and plan is not an easy task. Your plan needs to be flexible and must be continuously updated.

No one company is the same and no one site is the same, we will guide you through the planning process, including understanding the numerous water frameworks in existence, and tailor a strategy and plan that is fit for your needs.

We will work with your team to define what risks need to be managed and what success looks like. We can use your existing risk assessment methodology or propose an approach depending on the issues and the complexities. We will also recommend key risk and performance indicators to assess progress against targets.

Once risks, opportunities, and targets have been identified you will then need actions and resources to be assigned. To reach your goals, the entire process will need to be managed and tracked centrally. A method of tracking performance will also be key to meeting your objectives.

Mine Water will help you build your plan and offers technology solutions to facilitate plan management and performance analysis.


“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” Beverly Sills

We offer:

  1. Water supply assessments
  2. Dewatering evaluations
  3. Environmental hydrology / hydrogeology studies
  4. Water management system performance analysis

Who do you trust when it comes to technical support on complex water issues? Our goal is to be that trusted advisor. Mine Water can provide you with the technical support to properly characterize your site and help you make the best decisions.

Whether it is too much water or too little, we have a deep understanding of the issues and will ensure the right assessments are made. Our thorough knowledge of the mine life cycle means the work is done to the correct level of detail and integration through the project development, operations, closure, and post-closure phases. 

Water management is a broad and multi-disciplined topic, often requiring input from multiple fields and sources. We will bring together the right people and build the best teams for your projects using our large network of collaborators. 

Ongoing analysis of water management system performance is fundamental to achieving your objectives. We are experienced in the evaluation of system performance and leverage technology to ensure you have the right information, in the right format, at the right time.

Water management system performance analysis is often supported by the application of asset level and basin scale water balance simulations. Mine Water can support you in the selection of right tools and their application, whether it be for design, operations, and/or impact. evaluation.


Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.” Albert Einstein

We offer:

  1. Reviews & Audits
  2. Due Diligence
  3. Disclosure reporting
  4. Water Stewardship and ESG program design and implementation support

A good timely review ensures a project stays on track and has a higher success rate. Mine Water conducts balanced and independent third party reviews of studies and projects to ensure that our clients are getting the right answers and the best value. We can provide continuous review support to a project from its inception through its life cycle, or provide standalone reviews as required.

If your assurance program requires a more thorough and systematic assessment against a set of standards or criteria, Mine Water provides water program audit services in a structured approach considering: 1) Audit planning and preparation, 2) Audit execution, 3) Audit reporting, and 4) Audit verification.

​Purchasing a property or making an investment? Make sure that risks, liabilities, and gaps are identified early in the process and are considered in the package.  We have participated in several due diligence processes and know what to look for and how to effectively communicate findings, including highlighting upsides.

Disclosure reporting is not just an option anymore, mining companies are obligated to report progress and any failures in a transparent manner.  We have experience with all major frameworks and can provide advice on how to manage your reporting requirements considering GRI, DJSI, CDP, and ICMM.  And if you find the whole process of data collection, analysis, and reporting a daunting and time consuming task, well we can help you automate and improve there too.

We also build bespoke water communication initiatives in print, digital, and video formats. ​

​​Water Stewardship and ESG management have become key elements in mine development and require effective stakeholder engagement and the building of positive water partnerships.  Understanding basin level context to take asset level decisions is complex and requires deep experience.   Mine Water is able to support these initiatives and bring a multidisciplinary team together for positive outcomes. 

Contact us for more information